15 Ways To Get Rid Of Termites Naturally To Complete

Termites are one of the problems that are often found in houses or wooden furniture. Besides being annoying, the presence of termites also makes house materials and wooden furniture less durable.

Actually there are many ways to get rid of termites, but you should not rely on chemical drugs as a way to get rid of termites because of the health risks they pose. On the other hand, the natural way to get rid of termites is considered safer. For those of you who live in a wooden house or have lots of wooden furniture, let’s take a look at 15 tips on how to get rid of termites naturally below!

1. Don’t be stingy with ventilation!

Termites tend to like places that are damp and low in sunlight. corner of the house. That way, even wooden furniture will not be easily eaten by termites.

If some wooden furniture has been attacked by termites, the next way to get rid of termites is to dry the furniture in an open area. This makes it easier for direct sunlight to repel termites.

2. Cleaning the Yard from Puddles

Where there is standing water, that’s where termites will breed. The way to eradicate termites from the outside of the house is to prevent puddles of water, either in the yard or in the gutter.

This method of eradicating termites needs to be done especially during the rainy season. Instead of having lots of puddles, it’s better if your yard has a rainwater reservoir such as a pool for easy cleaning. Also clean the gutters regularly, apart from being a way to eradicate termites, it can also eradicate mosquitoes.

3. Repairing Broken Ceramics or Pipes

How to get rid of termites on this one looks trivial. As a result, the condition of the house becomes damp. Not to mention if your house has a leak in a certain pipe, then the humidity level in the house will increase. Therefore, do not underestimate the small damage.

The way to get rid of these termites is to repair any damaged tiles before the termites enter and build their colony. In addition, prevent leaks in the house pipes that may occur from seeping everywhere. This method of eradicating termites is better than waiting until our homes have actually been attacked by termites. Of course, it will be more difficult to eradicate the termites that are already too many and eat away at the furniture in our homes.

4. Closing Cracks on Every Side of the House

We never notice a crack if we don’t examine it carefully. The cracks that appear can be a way for termites to enter the house, so it is difficult for us to find ways to eradicate termites when a termite colony is formed. Therefore, check the side of your house carefully.

If there are gaps or cracks, close them immediately. You can also ask the builder to close it. This way, your home will be safe from termites.

5. Avoiding Contact from Wooden Walls to the Ground

For those of you who have a house with a building containing wood material, always pay attention to the distance between the wood material and the soil. This method is useful for eradicating subterranean termites that usually enter buildings with wood media.

In addition, if the wood material used is not properly treated wood, then the material can easily collect moisture. This condition is very favored by termites. Termites have enough food and a favorable air temperature. The method of eradicating termites by avoiding direct contact between the soil and wood is quite effective because you block the termite road leading to your house.

6. Drying Wooden Furniture

The way to get rid of termites that like to eat wood is to keep the material from getting damp. Your furniture made of wood must be dried regularly in the sun. Make sure you dry the furniture for a long time so that there are no more sides of the furniture that are too damp.

This method of eradicating termites will be more effective for wood termites. As a precautionary measure, provide a distance between the wooden furniture and the wall so as not to lure termites that enter from cracks in the wall to move towards the furniture.

7. Using Rice Wash Water

For those of you who like to cook, of course cooking rice is an easy matter. Usually after washing the rice, the rinse water is thrown away, right? Instead, don’t throw away the rice water you wash right away, because the natural way to get rid of termites can be done using rice water.

Simply collect the water used for washing the rice, then spray it on the place where the termites are infested. The termites will gradually decrease and leave the place. How to get rid of termites on this one is very easy to do and cheap, right?

8. Using Bay Leaf and Basil

This one kitchen spice is certainly no stranger to the people of Indonesia. Besides being suitable as a kitchen spice, the strong aroma of bay leaves and basil will be very effective in getting rid of termites.

How to get rid of termites with this technique is quite easy to do. Just put the leaves on your furniture. Termites will not approach the furniture. In addition, this material is also safe to put in the wardrobe because it will not make clothes smell bad. So, this method of eradicating termites does not have a negative effect.

9. Using Camphor

Camphor does have a myriad of benefits. Besides being used as a way to get rid of cockroaches and prevent other small insects in your home, the strong smell of mothballs is also very disliked by termites. Put mothballs in your home furniture and some corners of your house. Termites will avoid this location.

10. Cleaning Dry Wood

In maintaining the cleanliness of the house, you not only pay attention to the cleanliness of the house on the inside but also outside the house, especially if you have a garden. Areas like this are very susceptible to subterranean termites.

The way to eradicate subterranean termites that can come to attack is to always remove twigs or dry wood that has accumulated around the house. Dry wood that is on a damp surface or temperature will be a target for termites to enter. Immediately remove the wood before the termite colony comes and makes your house vulnerable to termite infestation.

11. Use Orange Oil

Based on several studies and research, you can use orange oil as a way to get rid of termites. This is because citrus oil contains d-limonene which is considered a poison by insects, including termites.

To apply this method of eradicating termites, you can first make a small hole in the area affected by termites. After that, inject orange oil into the hole. That way, the termites will die slowly.

12. Lower Room Temperature

You can maximize the way to get rid of termites by lowering the room temperature in your home. Although termites really like humid conditions, termites hate extreme changes in temperature to cold and they will die one by one.

Therefore, try lowering the AC temperature to the lowest until the room becomes very cold, especially in areas where there is a lot of wooden furniture. Without realizing it, all termites will die and you just have to clean the furniture. How to get rid of termites is very easy, right?

13. Make Liquid from Table Salt

Take a look, there must be salt in your kitchen, right? Well, you can use these cooking spices as ingredients for how to get rid of termites, you know!

Make table salt liquid by dissolving salt in water. When it is dissolved, you can put the liquid in a spray bottle. Next, just spray the liquid kitchen salt on the furniture or walls that are termites. The mixture of these two ingredients will make the termite’s body sting and they will die slowly.

14. Flush Using Soapy Water

Termites’ breath is very sensitive to soapy water, so you can use this liquid as a way to get rid of termites. This can happen because when soapy water is exposed to termites’ bodies, they do not get a supply of oxygen.

How to get rid of it is not difficult. First of all, you can first dissolve the liquid soap in water until it is runny. If you have, transfer the soapy water into a spray bottle and spray it on the furniture area where there are termites.

15. Make a Trap Out of Cardboard

Well, the last way to eradicate termites you can do is make a trap out of wet or damp cardboard. The goal, of course, is to attract the attention of termites to move from the furniture or building parts of your house to the cardboard. This is because termites really like humid conditions.

If the termites have gathered, all you have to do is eradicate them en masse and throw the box in a trash can far from the location of the house. You can do this method of eradicating termites repeatedly until all the termites in your house are destroyed.

During the rainy season, humid air is inevitable. The arrival of termites is often unavoidable. However, now you know 15 tips on how to get rid of termites naturally. Besides the ingredients being easy to obtain and practice, this natural way to get rid of termites doesn’t drain your wallet either, right? Don’t forget to check out other interesting tips here!

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